
Vélo Partage – Donkey Republic

VéloPartage, le meilleur système de location de vélos à Genève ! Avec VéloPartage, accédez à la plus grande flotte de vélos en libre-service à Genève. C’est LE moyen le plus flexible, abordable et pratique pour se déplacer dans la métropole genevoise. Sur l’application mobile, réservez un vélo en un clic et profitez de votre trajet […] Continuer la lecture “Vélo Partage – Donkey Republic”

Free hikes every Sunday in Salève

Every Sunday, hikes start at 10 a.m. at the terminus of bus 8 in Veyrier-Douane, Route du Pas de l’Echelle 111, 1255 Veyrier Every Sunday, hiking enthusiasts meet at 10 a.m. at the terminus of bus 8 in Veyrier-Douane , Route du Pas de l’Echelle 111, 1255 Veyrier (and not in Veyrier-Tournettes). The departure is at 10.05 a.m. […] Continuer la lecture “Free hikes every Sunday in Salève” : locate the fountains around you !

You are thirsty ? allows you to find a drinking water fountain instantly from your mobile phone. It was while cycling through the Geneva countryside on a sunny Sunday that the idea for this project was born. Any sportsman leaving for a few hours of ride, takes his bottle filled with water. That day, it was particularly […] Continuer la lecture “ : locate the fountains around you !”

Enjoy “Mouettes genevoises”, it’s included in you bus ticket!

The ‘Mouettes genevoises’ shuttle boats bring Geneva’s two shores closer together. Since 1897, the Mouettes genevoises have been crossing Geneva harbour with nonchalance 365 days a year, four lines allowing you to smoothly leap between the Molard, Pâquis, Eaux-Vives, Port Noir and De-Chateaubriand stops. In just a few minutes, you are on the other shore! […] Continuer la lecture “Enjoy “Mouettes genevoises”, it’s included in you bus ticket!”
