Giul – Pop-Rock – CONCERT

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Date(s) - novembre 12, 2022

Floky La Loutre


Price (CHF): Free


Giul, whose real name is Yann Giuliani, is a troublemaker of French song.

He started with Innocent Pain (IP), a group in which he took his first steps as a songwriter before launching under his current name, Giul.

He writes texts that go from melancholy to joy through rage and composes music that can be described as pop-rock but above all, he is a beast of the stage. The concerts are moments of sincerity, simplicity without forgetting the bond of all life, humor.

With more than 300 performances with his musicians and other projects, he has forged a reputation as a showman who makes each performance a unique event as his sense of improvisation and play with the public is present.

From large venues (500 people) to the smallest venue (10 people), the energy is the same.
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