La Clandestina.

Chargement de la carte…

Date(s) - janvier 27, 2023

Village du Soir


Price (CHF): Free before 11.00pm then 20.-


🔻 The clandestina.
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“I am back on the outskirts of this illuminated course … The hindered, discreet door is always overshadowed by the surrounding back and forth …
I approach what seems to be the entrance hall of a stolen room …
Slowly, I advance, magnetized by these waves melodies that I distinguish, attractive, charming but muffled …
Unwelcome, the notes are becoming clearer, the glows come alive, the shadows are agitated …
I sneak through these people who seem radiant …
I reach the end of the corridor, I open the door: Locura!
Between bright colors mixing with a mysterious touch of darkness, rum flavors and well -known Latin tunes, my body is active, my hips stir alone, my hands rise to the sky …
I realize that finally, I did well to go back to this little hidden and unique paradise …
Unica is illegal. “🖤❤

••• 𝔸ℝ𝕋𝕀𝕊𝕋𝔼𝕊 🎧 •••
– Goggi
– Antoni Lunatik

••• 𝔼ℕ𝕋ℝ𝔼𝔼 🚪 •••
Before 11 p.m. ➡️ Free 🆓
11 p.m. and ➡️ CHF 20.-

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