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Date(s) - mars 15, 2022

Chat Noir


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The Voix de Fête festival, in collaboration with the Catalyse Association and the Béa Foundation for Young Artists, selects promising young musicians and invites them to perform on stage as part of a current French-speaking music competition.

This 6th edition of La Lentille is, as in previous years, open to artists under 27 from French-speaking Switzerland or Greater Geneva who sing at least 80% of their repertoire in French.
The winners, whose names we will know on March 8, will perform on stage for concerts of 15 to 20 minutes.
At the end of their performances, the jury will gather to deliberate and award various rewards: a monetary prize offered by the Béa Foundation For Young Artists, work residencies at Catalyze, or concert dates at Chat Noir and/or Party Voice.
No hesitation to have: come and support these young shoots and give voice to influence the jury in its choices!

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