Renegade Saint’s – Winging it

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Date(s) - mars 22, 2023

Floky La Loutre


Price (CHF): 15.-


Renegade Saints present Winging It, featuring Werewolves The Improv Show: Geneva.

A small village from long forgotten times gets struck by a werewolf. One by one the villagers die and it’s up to the audience to stop the wolf before it’s too late…
Werewolves is based on popular party games like The Werewolves of Millers Hollow, Mafia or The Resistance. However, the audience doesn’t need to know these games to enjoy the show.
Format created by Jacqueline Fleskens and Syste Wilman in 2010, and originally performed by the Amsterdam-based improv-group Placebo.
Performers: Arthur Nguyen, Clàudia Baró Huelmo, David Gaynor, Hedwig Ens, Ivana Josipovic, XQ
Lights: Charlotte Wolf, Sound: Freya Joëssel
Winging It is Geneva’s English-language improv sandbox. New formats, new troupes, and new improvisers take the stage.

Each month, you get to see a new improv show. It can be familiar performers trying a new format, or a whole new ensemble debuting. And in the second half, the Saints will host an improv jam with performers and audience members, where you get to play familiar short-form games with friendly faces.
So come on down if you want to see cool new improv – or if you want to try your hand on the Geneva improv stage yourself.
f your group is interested in performing, shoot an email to with the subject line « Winging It ».

Entry fee: 15 CHF

Drink and tapas at Floky la loutre bar

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