Date(s) - August 23, 2023
9:00 p.m.
Parc La Grange
Price (CHF): Free
Description:When Luke reports in his Gospel the words spoken by Mary, pregnant with Jesus, to his cousin Elizabeth, pregnant with John the Baptist, he probably had no idea that this canticle, which borrows a lot from the Old Testament, was going to become the one of the most fervent and beautiful prayers of all Christendom. A powerful and colorful text, lyrical, violent and passionate, it quickly took a prominent place in the liturgy of Advent and exercised an attraction for musicians that continues to renew itself century after century. From Schütz to Arvo Pärt via two major works by Bach and one of the most wonderful pieces that Rosenmüller wrote in Venice, we invite you to discover five ways to express such fascination.
Bach's Magnificat is perhaps the most concise and effective of all the Cantor's works. In no other oratorio, in no other cantata, do arias and choruses succeed one another so short and so effective. It's as if this prayer in Latin – the only one that the Lutheran has ever set to music – invites him to say everything even better and faster than usual…
Heinrich Schütz – German Magnificat SWV 494
Johann Sebastian Bach – German Magnificat BWV 10
Arvo Pärt – Magnificat
Johann Rosenmüller – Magnificat
Johann Sebastian Bach – Magnificat in D BWV 243
Deborah Cachet, Aleksandra Lewandowska, Alex Potter, Marine Fribourg, Thomas Hobbs, Andrew Tortise, soloists
Aleksandra Lewandowska and Miriam Feuersinger, soprano
Alex Potter and Stephanie Guerin, violas
Guy Cutting and Andrew Tortise, tenors
Stephan MacLeod, bass and direction Gli Angeli Geneva
A limited number of chairs will be available to the public.