Date(s) - March 2, 2023
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Musee d'Art et d'Histoire
Price (CHF): Free
Description:For the opening of its 13th edition and for the first time, the Groove'N'Move festival will invest the Museum of Art and History of Geneva. On this occasion, 4 dance performances will be presented within the museum, offering a dialogue with the museum's collections:
The Brainstorm company will perform “Balade”, a piece that will echo the paintings of Ferdinand Hodler.
The performer Phax, a specialist in slow motion, also in the fine arts collection, will play a solo inspired by the expressions and faces of Italian Baroque paintings.
The Anthrop company will dance a live adaptation of its video project “Urban Haïkus: #Stairs”, in the monumental staircase of the museum.
Finally, the members of the Anothai company, inspired by ancient sculptures, will dance in the Egyptian and Greek halls.
“Walk” – Brainstorm Company
Performers: Maëva “Pocah” Deyrolles and Woodry Fleury
Production: Wardrobe
Co-productions: Artist Initiatives in Urban Dances – Fondation de France – La Villette 2022, the National Choreographic Center of Créteil and Val-de-Marne / Compagnie Kafig – direction Mourad Merzouki, Le Flow – Euroregional Center for Urban Cultures in Lille, the National Choreographic Center of Rennes and Brittany, Cie Art – Lille.
With the support of the Center National de la Danse – Pantin.
“#Stairs” – AnthropProduction Company: Anthrop Co.
Choreography: Melissa Ellberger
Assistant choreographer: Raphael Perrenoud
Dancers: Elodie Chhor, Cédric Gagneur, Inès Kallal, Raphaël Smadja, Mathias Reymond
Live music - percussion: Alexandra Bellon
Support: Swiss Performers Foundation SIS, Fête de la danse, Canton of Geneva, Flux Laboratory, Screendance Festival, Scrittmacher Festival, European Heritage Days
Event in collaboration with the MAH – Museum of Art and History of Geneva